Security Question Setup

You are required to choose and answer 6 Security Questions out of the 22 provided. These questions may be used to further validate your identity when using the Credit Union's online account access.

How to Setup:
  1. Choose a question from the drop down box for question 1.
  2. Answer the question. We strongly suggest you follow the Tips provided.
  3. Continue through to number 6 so that all your questions and answers are completed and click Submit.
  4. A confirmation that states 'Your security answers have been updated and are effective immediately' will display.
  5. You can change your Security Questions and Answers anytime by going to the Services tab and selecting Update Security Questions.

Security Answers provided are not case sensitive. However, you will need to remember exactly how you type your answers.

Examples: St. Mary's
Saint Mary's
St. Marys

All the above are considered different responses.